How to Choose the Best Cricket Bat?

Varun Sharma
2 min readMar 23, 2021


Crickets Bats are available in numerous shapes and design. Cricketers are very particular about their bats. Before choosing any bat, we should check for below mentioned points.

There are two types of willow used for making cricket bat- English willow and Kashmir willow. You should choose according to your choice as both the willows make good bats. English willow are the finest woods that can be used to make cricket bats. They are of the best quality and give you perfect result. Kashmir willow bats are not as popular as While willow cricket bats but some of them are of international standards and have been used by many international players.

English willow and Kashmir willow Cricket Bats | Cricket Bats Online
English and Kashmir Willow Bats ©Urban Cricket Hub

Grains are the lines that present on the bat face. The more the grains, the better bat performs. The grain between 6 and 12 is a perfect of quality willow. There are two types of grains tight and wide grains. Tight grains are due to tree grown slowly and wide grains are there when tree is grown quickly.

Toe guard is important for the bat as it is the weakest part of the bat. It is a good idea to fit a toe-guard that reduces the risk of breakage.

We should also check for the size for the bat before buying. Professional prefer a heavier bow and thicker-edges.

Handle of the bat can be made from Sarawak cane and a good handle can absorb the shock from the ball and gives you proper guard for the bat.

Sarawak Cane ©Urban Cricket Hub

There are lot of manufacturer of Cricket bats in India and some of the known names are SS Cricket bats , SG Cricket bats , GM Cricket bats. So, you can choose any bat manufacturer who are best in the business.

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Varun Sharma

I am freelance and cricket fan who writes about cricket. Cricket news to choosing your cricket accessories will provide with the best information.